Town Bizness
in Action
These photos were all taken with consent by our team members while serving. They show our founder and volunteers rendering aid and the close relationships that have been built over months and years. These are not photo ops.
Delivering food and hygiene bags
Town Bizness delivered thousands of bags of shelf-stable food and thousands of bags of necessary hygiene items during the height of the pandemic in 2021 and 2022, when many especially vulnerable people were excluded from shelters. Every week we drove all day to find the most needy to give them bags. Each bag had enough food and hydration for at least two days, and hygiene for a week. We continue to hand out these bags as often as possible–especially to our regulars.
Delivering Fresh meals
We deliver an average of 40 fresh meals every week along with hydration and often desserts. To our regulars who are especially food Insecure, we also distribute gift cards to nearby fast-food restaurants.
Delivering shelter
Tents are among the most important items that houseless people need. They provide privacy, some protection for personal property, and shelter from the elements. Tents must be replaced often because most are not designed for long-term use in urban settings. In addition, people’s tents–and the possessions they contain–are often destroyed in city sweeps.
The tents we distribute are rugged and long-lasting, and most important, they are tall enough for people to stand up in. While these tents are not the least expensive available, they are what our clients need to live with a minimum of comfort and privacy. We've distributed hundreds of tents since 2021.
delivering basic comfort
A comfortable bed to sleep on. A safe way to keep warm and to heat or cook food. A way to illuminate your living space.
Many of the things that housed people take for granted are critically important to houseless people, and we make sure to meet our regulars’ needs for these items on a regular basis.
Delivering motel relief
Whenever people are very stressed, or sick, or at risk of exposure due to cold or rain we will assess them for motel relief.
For example, when "V" was 7.5 months into her pregnancy, we got her off the streets and into a motel room–and made sure meals were delivered to her daily–until she delivered her baby.
Delivering support for canine companions
In addition to basic needs such as dog food, leashes, and collars, we’ve provided emergency support when it was needed. When Tej was hit by a car, our donors paid for needed veterinary care. We also helped Beethoven recover from parvo. His owner subsequently released him to us, and we were soon able to find a new, safe, and loving home for him.
Fulfilling Special Needs
When regular clients have a special need for a big-ticket item–such as this non-running RV for Nakiesha and Randy to live in–we will announce a special fundraising effort. Our donors, as always, come through for us.
Delivering work, dignity, and a way to give back
We encourage our unhoused clients who are able to volunteer with us, helping to assemble and deliver food and hygiene bags. Having a way to be of use to their community gives them a sense of fulfillment and confidence. One of our houseless volunteers went on to gain housing and employment, and continues to help out when he can.
Delivering access to services
When they are ready and ask for help, we support our houseless family in their efforts to get residential or outpatient treatment. When they are accepted for treatment, we provide clothing, hygiene, and moral support to help ensure that they are able to complete their program successfully.